Michigan Interdisciplinary Acoustics Workshop
Welcome to the online home of the Michigan Interdisciplinary Acoustics Workshop. This workshop series will be run by Michigan Acoustics during the 2018/2019 academic year. Michigan Acoustics is a student chapter of the Acoustical Society of America here at the University of Michigan. The events, described below, are made possible by the Rackham Graduate School via a Rackham Interdisciplinary Workshop (RIW) Grant. Please explore below to learn more about the workshop goals and activities!
If you have any questions or would like to participate or get involved, email us at michiganacoustics@umich.edu

Workshop Goals
For any graduate student or researcher, it is often a challenge to connect their very specialized work back to their greater research community. This is especially the case for the acoustics community, whose subdisciplines include acoustical oceanography, animal bioacoustics, architectural acoustics, biomedical acoustics, engineering acoustics, musical acoustics, noise, physical acoustics, psychological and physiological acoustic, signal processing, speech communication, structural acoustics and vibration, and underwater acoustics. Because these subdisciplines are spread throughout many departments and campuses at the University of Michigan, there is little cohesiveness or relative awareness between the students working in them.
To address this issue, a student chapter of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA) was formed last year to facilitate meetings which would increase communication and awareness between students in the field of acoustics. This RIW seeks to further meet this goal by hosting a series of events which will introduce students to the many subdisciplines of acoustics and encourage academic collaboration between members of the acoustics community at the University of Michigan and beyond. Our ASA chapter is well-suited to lead this effort because our membership includes students from the College of Engineering, Medical School, Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning, and Linguistics Department who are passionate about interdisciplinary collaboration.
Our specific goals for the Michigan Acoustics workshop include:
(a) increase participants awareness of the breadth of acoustics research done here at the University of Michigan and beyond so that they can better understand how their own research fits into the field of acoustics
(b) provide a platform for participants to collaborate on work which will be shared in the greater acoustics community so that further collaboration is encouraged in the future
(c) allow participants the opportunity to network with individuals from the greater acoustics community to encourage future inter-university collaboration
(d) utilize our interdisciplinary knowledge to collaboratively develop outreach tools for communicating acoustics research to a general audience.
Workshop Events
The workshop will meet these goals by providing several types of events.
First, the workshop will provide 4-5 informative talks spread across the academic year. The topic of each session will vary in order to span the subdisciplines of acoustics. To achieve this variety, the speakers will be invited from other universities and research laboratories. This will also serve to facilitate networking, as the workshop participants will have an opportunity to meet the invited graduate student or faculty member.
A second type of event will be held twice – once before each national meeting of the ASA. These events will allow workshop participants to receive feedback on acoustics-related work, such as conference presentations, abstracts, and papers.
A third event will be the implementation of the outreach work to a general audience, likely at the K-12 level.
Infrasound and its Applications to Global Security
Thursday, October 25th
Fransiska Kate Dannemann
Graduate Research Assistant – Los Alamos National Laboratory

Sometime in November or December
Sometime in January or February
Sometime in March or April
Conference and Publication Preparation
Presentation and Publication Preparation Event – Fall 2018
Monday, October 29th – Friday, November 2nd (Final Date TBD)
Location TBD
Join us for this open event where researchers can practice their presentations for the national meeting of the Acoustical Society of America (in Victoria, Canada from November 5th – 9th) or any other conference.
Other opportunities include giving and receiving feedback on written work.
Food will be provided.
More details to come!

Presentation and Publication Preperation Event – Winter 2019
Monday, May 6th – Friday, May 10th (Final Date TBD)
Location TBD
Join us for this open event where researchers can practice their presentations for the national meeting of the Acoustical Society of America (in Louisville, Kentucky from May 13th – 17th) or any other conference.
Other opportunities include giving and receiving feedback on written work.
Food will be provided.
More details to come!

Outreach Workshop
Winter 2019 (Final Date TBD)
Location TBD
Join us for this instructional session led by a professional with impressive outreach experience.
Food will be provided.
More details to come!
Outreach Event
Winter 2019 (Final Date TBD)
Location TBD
Join us as we use the skills from the Outreach Workshop to do some real outreach! The specific outreach event has not been chosen yet, but will likely target middle school or high school students.
More details to come!