Daily High and Low Temperature in Omaha in July
The average daily low (blue) and high (red) temperature are shown with percentile bands (inner band from 25th to 75th percentile, outer band from 10th to 90th percentile).
Daily low temperatures are approximately 68°F, falling below 60°F or exceeding 75°F one day in ten.
Fraction of Time Spent in Various Temperature Bands in Omaha in July
The average fraction of time spent in various temperature bands: frigid (below 15°F), freezing (15°F to 32°F), cold (32°F to 50°F), cool (50°F to 65°F), comfortable (65°F to 75°F), warm (75°F to 85°F), hot (85°F to 100°F) and sweltering (above 100°F).
Relative Humidity in Omaha in July
The average daily high (blue) and low (brown) relative humidity with percentile bands (inner bands from 25th to 75th percentile, outer bands from 10th to 90th percentile).