About us

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The above photo was taken after a Michigan Acoustics planning meeting and includes many of the 2018 Officers of Michigan Acoustics. Michigan Acoustics is a student chapter of the national Acoustical Society of America organization. You can learn more about the ASA by visiting their website: http://www.acousticalsociety.org/
As a group, we aim to bring together all students with an interest in acoustics. All are welcome, whether pursuing acoustics academically, as a hobby, or just having a general interest in any acoustics topics. Michigan Acoustics aims to have a diverse range of topics within acoustics represented. Our goals are to reach a broad spectrum of people with a common interest in acoustics, to gather about once a month to discuss topics in the field, and to offer perspectives on current issues in acoustics. We encourage all interested individuals to join our email distribution list to receive meeting notices and information from Michigan Acoustics.
You can instantly sign up for the email list by visiting the page Home page of this website. Event information and other important announcements will also be available on this website. Please be aware that it is not necessary to be a member of the national ASA to join our local chapter, and guests are always welcome at all events. Please contact us if you are interested in becoming a member of Michigan Acoustics.
Click here to check out some of the research in acoustics happening here at the University of Michigan.